9. The Personal Trainer

Investing in a personal fitness trainer is well worth the cost. Not only do you have someone right by your side acting as your own personal coach and motivator, your trainer can help limit the amount of injuries you experience and help you get the most out of your time at the gym or other exercise venue.

Preventing Injury

Even though just about every piece of equipment at the gym has step-by-step guidelines for usage posted right on them, that doesn’t make them foolproof. Some types of gear, like bands, weights and balls, don't even come with any sort of instructions. If your grip is off, your hips are tilted slightly to the side or if your feet are too close together, you could be using the machine -- or piece of equipment -- incorrectly, leaving yourself open to injury. But when you have your personal fitness trainer right there, he’ll stand nearby and watch you do your reps, ensuring that you are in proper form from start to finish. This way you’ll be less likely to experience pulled muscles, rolled ankles and other workout injuries.

Maximizing Results

You surely work out because you want to stay fit and keep yourself toned. If you’re putting together your own exercise regimen though, you might not be working out to your full potential. Your personal fitness trainer will analyze your body size, assess any longstanding injuries that you need to work around, help you set goals and develop a workout routine that is specific to you. He (or she) willl get you on your feet, back, rear end, stomach, and hands and knees, so you’re working to your full potential while you’re at the gym or other training venue. You'll be maximizing the results you’ll see and feel, while your personal trainer is there to give you that extra push that you wouldn't experience if you were working out on your own.

Image result for personal training


  1. Never had a personal trainer but this has me considering it...


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