12. The Arm Workout

Exercise 1: Close-Grip Bench Press

  • 1 Warm-Up Set Of 12-15 Reps
  • 4 Working Sets of 12-15 Reps
  • Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets
To warm up, grab some lighter weight and knock out a warm-up set of 12-15 reps. Your hands should be lined up with the start of the knurling. Try not to lock out the joints at the top of the movement.

Exercise 2: EZ-Bar Skullcrusher

  • 4 Sets Of 10-12 Reps
We use the E-Z bar to take a little stress off of your wrists. It's really important that you keep your elbows tucked and the movement slow and controlled. If your elbows are out, you'll use your shoulders instead of your triceps and set yourself up for an injury.

Exercise 3: Single-Arm Cable Push-Down

  • 3 Sets of 12-15 Reps
The focus of the workout is going to change a little bit now. Instead of going to failure, we focus on increasing the blood flow to the muscle and increasing the pump.

Exercise 4: Triceps Push-Down

  • 3 Sets Of 15-20 Reps
We want you to really exhaust the muscles during this exercise so you can get as much blood into them.  Turn your hands out at the end so you can get a really good contraction

Exercise 5: Standing Hammer Curls

  • 4 Sets Of 10-12 Reps
Do these properly: keep your elbows back and curl with your hands slightly out. We want your brachialis to contract as much as possible. Although we use dumbbells, try to curl with both hands at the same time. When you get too fatigued to curl with both hands at once, switch to alternating.

Exercise 6: Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls

  • 4 Sets Of 10-12 Reps
You get the most benefit out this exercise by doing it properly. If that means you have to lower the weight a little bit, do it. You'll get stronger in the exercise more quickly, likely stay injury-free, and it'll be a lot better for you in terms of results. Rotate your hands so they're supinated at the top of the exercise.

Exercise 7: Preacher Curl

  • 3 Sets Of 12-15 Reps
Normal preacher bench can hyperextend your elbows, which can cause injuries. So, we want to do this exercise on an incline bench. The pad of the bench actually acts as a safety stop, much like the safety bars on a squat rack.

Exercise 8: EZ-Bar Curls

  • 3 Sets Of 12-15 Reps

Keep your elbows back and really squeeze at the top. You want to feel the contraction when your biceps are at the peak of the exercise. It will make a world of difference in your pump and the soreness you'll feel in the days after the workout.
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